A Life Without Coffee..or Passion…

Each morning we get up. And do what we do. We put one foot in front of the other. We make that morning cup of coffee, needing that jolt to help us face the day. We’re stuck in a rut; the mundaneness of busy, everyday life. Or maybe we’re stuck in a rut because of a loss or tragedy (Busted plumbing anyone? No I’m not referring to the kitchen garburator. Yes, I am referring to my own internal, and apparently faulty insides. And yes, laughter does a lot to mask tears.). A rut that sucks out all the passion. Like drinking hot coffee on a steamy summer morning. It offers no pleasure, only function.

How do I get that passion back? Is passion a conscious decision? That feeling in the pit of your stomach, that burning desire which creates a commitment to something – be it your work, your family, or your love (and most hopefully your love life).

Living without passion feels empty and purpose-less. Isn’t passion what makes us, at least partly, human? Honore de Balzac writes that passion is universal in humanity; without it, religion, history, romance and art would be useless. Imagine our world without Michelangelo’s art or Mozart’s music. Imagine your world without any elation, joy, anger, or frustration. Without any feeling at all….Sure, when you’re passionate about something you open yourself up to an entire arena of possible hurt and vulnerability. Disappointment and pain and a whole host of scary stuff. And on some days, it just seems like it might be to much to deal with…but passion can give us strength to keep going and transcend the ordinary, even the mundane routines of daily life. It’s real. It’s my choice. And it’s hard, but ultimately it keeps me going.

And a little coffee now and then doesn’t hurt either.

Cold Brewed Coffee

adapted from The New York Times

In my life, hot brewed coffee is not a culinary dictate. It’s a sunny, summer day….

  • Grind about 1/2 cup coffee. Medium coarse grind works best.
  • Place coffee grinds and about 1 1/2 cups cold water in a jar or French press (easier for straining). Stir. Cover and let sit for at least 12 hours at room temperature.
  • Strain.
  • Fill any size glass you want with ice. Top up with cold brewed coffee. Add a little milk if you want and enjoy.


  • For those of you who fancy yourselves coffee connoisseurs, there really is a huge difference between cold brewed coffee and plain cold coffee. Brewing it with cold water and letting it steep all night reduces the bitterness.
  • These are pretty loose directions. I like my coffee industrial strength so adjust accordingly.
  • We all know caffeine is a stimulant so go ahead, play some Etta James, drink that venti double strength iced, cold brewed coffee and get passionate….

4 thoughts on “A Life Without Coffee..or Passion…

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention A Life Without Coffee..or Passion… « -- Topsy.com

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  3. I love your pictures and would like to use them in my cold brew article for a german coffee magazine! How can I contact you?

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